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Painting the Poetic: making and painting a small panelled triptych 

Tutor: Eleanor White

Equivalent to 3 days studio time

Fee: £100

Course code: EKW PTO #2


Course introduction and information:

Painting the Poetic intro

Painting the Poetic intro

Play Video

This exciting course will guide you through the creative process of designing and constructing a small folded panelled triptych which will hold narrative or abstracted images gathered from ideas or images that you have to hand. It could contain any theme you choose and could be based in observation or abstraction.



You can choose to work from holiday photographs creating a space to wish upon and to take you back to that place or from sketches you may have had of a time you have treasured. The subject is open to you and can be worked by accessing images from internet, magazines, existing drawings you may have, from your home environment or from reflected images in windows. The course will show you how to develop the initial images using a variety of mixed media.



These small triptychs offer the chance to gather considered images of either an observational or a more abstracted nature, allowing scope to create a personal beautiful object that holds a place to reflect and contain memories or brighten your day. 



Meaning of Triptych: 

A piece of art made of three paintings connected to each other in a way that allows the two outer ones to fold in towards the larger central one. Or a set of three images set side by side that may contain a narrative. 



This course will suit beginners as well as those with some experience, all are welcome as we will guide you through the various stages with clear written instructions as well as images and video demonstrations. Although the course is written with water based mediums in mind, it can be tailored to suit oils if you prefer, you will just need to give much more time between stages. Once you have gathered your source material together you are ready to begin. 

Materials / Equipment required


Stiff cardboard, for example: mount board OR 3mm or 4mm MDF board


If no stiff board you could use a good stiff cardboard box, corrugated or not 


Resource materials (as explained above)


PVA glue


Selection of drawing materials 


Selection of paints (preferably acrylics) 

Selection of brushes


Stanley Knife


Ruler, scissors 


Cutting mat or old cardboard box to cut on




A very small amount of cotton/linen sheeting, equal to the size of a gents handkerchief or indeed use a gents handkerchief (clean of course!)


Strong tape if no cotton to hand. Tessa tough tape is recommended. 


Plastic bag (bit of bin bag is great) or a poly packet 


What you get on this course:


Course Introduction video


3 stages - step by step session worksheets


Video demonstrations for each stage


Materials list and suppliers


Poetic Stories - 5 short video stories of completed works


Suitable for all abilities 


Course can be adapted for use in a limited space or studio


Offers small and large scale working practices


Designated Facebook group for group feedback 

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