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Blackened Landscapes

Tutor: Kate Boucher. The subtly and drama of charcoal

500 British pounds
Old Moss Road

Course Information

This five-day course will begin with a foundation of guided tasks and demonstrations to familiarise you with the ‘tools’ of the course: types of charcoal, drawing cloths, erasers and paper. These tasks are designed to be as useful for someone who has no experience with charcoal, and for those who are refreshing their knowledge to further develop existing skills. Each task will build on the knowledge of the previous, moving towards students working independently, following their own interests and ideas. Each student will use their own imagery, making the tasks personal and individual. Kate will show examples of her own work, ways to use sketchbooks and basic smartphone/tablet photography to record source material for your drawings. You will be working with photographs that you take on-site to make a personal response to the landscape, as well as from any images you bring along if you wish. You will be able to work in a range of sizes to suit your ideas. You will need to send some photographs that you take on-site via WhatsApp, to Kate from your smart phone or tablet. Please download WhatsApp and practice sending images before the workshop, to iron out any issues. Bring along 2 or 3 printed photographs (home printer paper), that you have taken, to work from on the first day.

Bridge House Art Ltd Terms and Conditions

Acceptance of our Terms and Conditions is presumed on booking of this course

Contact Details

  • Old Moss Road, Ullapool IV26 2TG, UK

    01854 612281

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